We’ve been quarantined for two months and some change. And I’ve been very sappy and reflective lately. My makeshift high school graduation is in three days, so here are a couple sentences thanking the people who’ve had an impact on me in the last four years.
(I'm alphabetizing this because I can't possibly rank you all in order of importance.)
Bella, I'm so happy to have had such an impact on you. When I'm feeling down, it truly lifts me up so much to know that I've made someone feel happy and safe.
Charlotte, we don’t talk often, but when we do, you’re always a ray of sunshine in my day. Keep being awesome; I hope we can look at our 8th grade time capsule at some point soon!
Eli, you’re an amazing friend. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your empathy and compassion. I love and miss you dearly.
Emmi, thank you for supporting me through some of the worst times of my life. I can't tell you how grateful I am for your existence. Nothing can stop you!
Isa, I’m so glad we met. Stage crew wouldn’t be the same without you. You’re an amazing partner, confidante, and friend. Keep riding the waves.
Izzy, thank you so much for creating an environment in which I felt safe to open up. Not to mention making me laugh every day in gov! You absolutely rock.
Jasper, you’ve been a wonderful protégé and an even better friend. You’re gonna kill it composing this year! Thank you for being so kind.
Jesse, thank you for being such a genuine and kind person. My interactions with you, though typically brief and superficial, always left me in a wonderful mood. Always happy to grab Chick-Fil-A for you.
Kat, I can’t tell you how miserable I was when I started high school. You made me feel like I belonged somewhere, and I can’t thank you enough for it. You’re such a queen!
Lilly, thank you for your affection and empowerment. You’re such an inspiration; to be assertive, to be loyal, to work hard for my dreams. You’ll be a great politician.
Macy, never would I have expected to make such a good friend in gym class— but you were a wonderful surprise. You were an awesome strength partner, and you are an awesome person.
Megan, you're a lovely musician, mentor, and friend. Thank you for all your big-sister-ly wisdom. You mean an awful lot to me :)
Michelle, you're the best internet-friend-who-also-happens-to-go-to-my-school that a gal could ask for. Keep being you, because you rule.
Molly, thank you for keeping me grounded and making me laugh in what could have been wholly miserable circumstances. I hope you’re doing great these days.
Safa, you adorable human, your happiness is contagious. I really admire you. You’re gonna do great things.
Weillin, thank you for your unending kindness and empathy. Here's to many more Protobowl games and discussions about music. You're a gem.
And now for those of you whom I cannot name.
Dear Anonymous, we haven’t talked in a long time, but I really do think you have the potential to be a good person. I hope you live up to it.
Dear Anonymous, I forgive you.
Dear Anonymous, I forgive you too.